Redefining the
concept of health care
Your Calgary Health Care Team
If your visits to your family doctor in Calgary leave you feeling unsatisfied, uninformed or uncared for, you’re not alone. High patient loads have led to shorter and shorter physician visits. It can be extremely difficult to get your questions answered and find out about treatment options or lifestyle improvements as you’re rushed in and out of the office.
A Focus on Prevention
At Preventous, we take a more traditional approach. Our health care professionals take the time to give you the information you need and work with you to manage your health. Tying this traditional approach with the latest scientifically proven medical advancements allows us to provide top quality care during illnesses and, more importantly, to prevent illness altogether.
We love what we do and are passionate about helping you achieve success. Each member of your team is a specialist, carefully selected to work in our collaborative, fun environment. Although we are always open to new ideas and approaches, we carefully analyze alternatives and do not adopt unproven investigations or treatments.
Health and wellness are a passion for every member of our team. Whether we’re biking, running or cheering at our kids’ sporting events, we make a point of staying active so we can enjoy life to the fullest. It’s our goal to help you and your family do the same.
Please take a moment to read more about our nurses, fitness trainers, nutritionists and client care professionals. You are also welcome to visit us and meet some of our team members in person any time.