
Exercising After an Injury

As a personal trainer for over 20 years, I have encountered all kinds of scenarios where clients have gotten injured somehow but don’t want to stop working out. Did you know that, with wisdom and innovation, training can continue? Of course, there will be circumstances where you just need to take a break for a time however, in most instances, there is something you can do to keep going. 

First off, is it upper body or lower body? If it’s an upper-body injury, there is a good chance you can keep doing lower body-focused cardio and maybe even lower bodyweight training. For example, you have just been diagnosed with a shoulder impingement injury. It doesn’t hurt to run through, so your running-focussed cardio can continue. However, you can’t pick up weight in that arm… so how can you do weighted squats like you used to? No problem! You can try doing modified bodyweight exercises to simulate more weight without holding weight. For example, doing a single-leg squat with your bodyweight only is extremely challenging.  This is just one simple example. With some proper education and innovation, you can find a myriad of bodyweight substitutes to work around your issue.

If it is a lower-body injury, this can be a little more challenging but still manageable. Let’s say it’s quad tendonitis and so it limits your ability to do stairs like you are used to. Going for a brisk walk on flat terrain could still be manageable in small quantities and may be beneficial in helping with your recovery so long as it’s not overdone. However, doing upper body free weight work is too taxing as the quad gets aggravated just moving the dumbells in and out of position on a bench press. This could be a good scenario to opt for a machine-based bench press where all you have to do is be seated and set the weight stack.

These are just some simple workaround scenarios and your circumstances may require something completely different. It’s very important to test things out erring on the side of caution and with a good dose of self-reflection. Did my pain increase during the workout and/or after the workout? Why did this happen? How can I continue to modify my approach? I realize this can be a lot to navigate, especially if you are just starting this journey.

At Preventous, you have everything you need to give you individualized and accurate strategies to work around your injuries and still recover safely, without sacrificing progress in your workouts. Feel free to contact me and/or Crystal, our Athletic Therapist, and let us keep you moving safely and effectively towards better fitness and health! 

Colin Davis
Personal Trainer

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