
New Fitness Beginnings? Time vs. Motivation.

The number one excuse I hear as a personal trainer when it comes to people sticking with their training is no time!  Surprised?  

I contend that most people don’t have a time issue but a motivation issue. With proper motivation, most people will get to the finish line regardless of how much time they perceive they have. Here is a terrible example, if someone took your loved one hostage and said you could have them back if you did 30 minutes of cardio per day for 30 days…would you find the time? Of course, you would! So, when you are sifting through the nebulous barrage of ‘New Year, new you’ programs, diets, and hype, ask yourself, will this really motivate me? Because, at your core, you need to find that ‘thing’, you know…that ‘thing’! It will get you out of bed an hour for a dance with the dumbbells, turn down coffee with a friend for a tryst with the treadmill, and tackle a cold dark winter evening walk instead of a binge on Crave. 

How do we find that motivation?

This will involve some serious introspection. What do you really value? Is it aesthetics, health, functionality, longevity, etc.? Take some time to find out what you value most,then attribute that to an important part of your life. For example, let’s say you value being able to keep up with your grandkids or, basically, longevity/functionality. Then make it tangible. Aim to be able to play a full game of baseball with them or being able to piggyback them, etc.  Do some work to figure out what’s involved in getting to that point, then put in a plan of action to get there with a measurable assessment along the way!  That’s where we can help.  

As a Preventous member, you have a dedicated team of health and fitness personnel at your disposal! Figure out what your motivation really is and then come see us so we can guide you in the safest most effective way possible! Book a time with me or Crystal (our Athletic Therapist) for an individualized exercise program.

Colin Davis
Personal Trainer

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